Final preparations are in place for the 8th International Surgical Sleep Society Meeting in Los Angeles on May 5-6, 2017.  The conference program includes virtually all of the international leaders in sleep surgery, and I am excited for it.  The International Surgical Sleep Society is the world’s main organization dedicated to the surgical evaluation and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.  Our members from all continents come together every 1-2 years for these scientific meetings where we share experiences and insight on surgery for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.  One of the really nice things about this conference is the inclusion of substantial time for discussion on a series of lectures and a controversial topic related to each group of lectures.

Where can I find more information and register?

Registration is done through the conference website.  However, anyone with questions can contact or the coordinating team at the Office of Continuing Medical Education at the Keck School of Medicine of USC.  Of note, members of the International Surgical Sleep Society receive a discount of $100 on the registration fees, and this amount is equal to the $100 organizational dues.

Will I be able to watch the lectures if I cannot come to the ISSS Meeting?

A few colleagues have reached out because they would like to learn about the latest advances in the field but are unable to attend.  For the first time, we will be recording the entire conference program.  We will be sharing the audio/video, but this does require registration for the meeting.  I am often impressed by patients who know a tremendous amount about snoring and sleep apnea, and we will extend this same offer to interested patients.  I wish we could offer this content for free, but it is tremendously expensive and cumbersome to record the program and also time-consuming to store it in a way that is accessible to others.

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