My previous blog post briefly discussed the International Surgical Sleep Society, the world’s preeminent organization dedicated to the surgical evaluation and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. Founded in 2006, the ISSS has organized six scientific meetings to bring together experts in sleep surgery from around the world, facilitating the sharing of experiences and ideas to advance our relatively new field. I am honored to be the President and have worked hard with the Board and Website Editor to redesign the website and develop some new offerings. These include our first newsletter that shares highlights from the most recent ISSS meeting in October 2014, discusses two research studies that are ISSS collaborations, and an interesting case discussion about a topic that plagues us all: when to resume CPAP in a patient undergoing endoscopic sinus surgery.
The website also includes a section for information regarding the ISSS meetings. We have added the programs from previous conferences and are excited to announce the dates and location for our next two meetings. On April 15-16, 2016, we will hold a meeting at the Centro de Convencoes Reboucas in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Chairs are Michel Cahali, MD and Denilson Fomin, MD, and we will be posting the schedule for the conference as soon as it is available. I am fortunate to have come to know both Michel and Denilson over the past 8 years due to their involvement with the ISSS and other organizations as well as my attending courses in Brazil, and I look forward to working with them in the months ahead.
The ISSS has accomplished a great deal, but there is so much more that we can do. We are undertaking a membership drive. Simply put, the ISSS is uniquely positioned to pursue a number of initiatives that only become possible in a position of financial strength. The important thing is that the ISSS has a great deal to offer, with concrete, immediate benefits to its members. I am reproducing the letter that we are sending to potential members that conveys our excitement and the value of becoming an ISSS member. Please contact me if you are interested in becoming a member or have any questions.
Eric Kezirian, MD, MPH
We hope you enjoy the first issue of the ISSS Sleep News!
On behalf of the entire Board, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to join or renew your membership (US$100 for 2015-16) to the International Surgical Sleep Society. The ISSS is the world’s preeminent organization focused on the surgical treatment of sleep disordered breathing, and our objectives include education of members, other medical professionals, and the public about sleep surgery.
The ISSS was started in 2006 by Tucker Woodson, Sam Mickelson, and Kent Moore, and many of you have played major roles in its many successes. I join many other sleep surgeons in thanking you.
We should all be proud of the advances in sleep surgery that have occurred over the past 30 years and the exciting future of our subspecialty. The ISSS has contributed to this by holding six international scientific meetings and co-sponsoring courses and other meetings, bringing together sleep surgeons from around the world to share the latest research and identify new directions for our field. From the October 2014 ISSS meeting in Detroit, Michigan, ISSS members have initiated two exciting research studies; these will not require funding from the ISSS but are just recent examples of our shared commitment to improving the care of patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.
We are committed to expanding upon the accomplishments of the ISSS
- Scientific Meetings: we are already planning meetings in Sao Paulo on April 15-16, 2016 and in Los Angeles for Spring 2017
- Newsletter/Communication: we have developed this newsletter and pledge to remain in close contact with all members
- Networking: join our unique community of sleep surgeons
- Website ( now redesigned and relaunched
Please join us in our commitment to sleep surgery by joining or renewing your membership to the ISSS. Each $100 membership covers 2015-16, and all members will receive the ISSS newsletter, discounted registration fees for ISSS scientific meetings, and member listing on the ISSS website, among other benefits. Membership fee information is available on the ISSS website at Fees can be paid through PayPal or by mail (US Applicants only).
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