Snoring is common, with estimates suggesting that it affects 100 million adults (and anyone bothered by that snoring) in the United States alone.  Whenever I share what I do at work, there is a pause before that person either volunteers that they have been told they snore or mention that they want me to meet someone who snores.  I have just developed two more videos related to snoring that I have added to my YouTube videos.  All of these videos are designed to educate the public and colleagues about the surgical evaluation and treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.

The first video concerns 12 steps to stop snoring.  I have tried to include some guidance about how I choose what might be the most helpful for an individual person.

The second video discusses snoring surgery in general as well as some of the pros and cons of individual procedures.  Identifying the cause of the snoring is essential.  This allows me to use these different procedures in a targeted, effective way.

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