Modified Expansion Sphincter Pharyngoplasty–A True International Effort

Posted by & filed under Palate Surgery, Sleep Apnea, Surgery.

At the Tenth World Congress of Sleep Apnea last week in Rome, I had the opportunity to spend time with colleagues from around the world, including two groups of Italian surgeons who have developed modifications to the expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty procedure (incorporated in my explanation of the procedure on my website).  This expanded on presentations… Read more »

“The Surgery” for Sleep Apnea

Posted by & filed under Palate Surgery, Sleep Apnea, Surgery, Tongue Surgery.

I often hear people refer to someone they know—or themselves—as having “the surgery for sleep apnea”, following it up with the assessment about whether “it worked” or not.  Whenever this occurs, I take a deep breath before starting in on the explanation below. My website hopefully makes it clear that there are many procedures available… Read more »