As a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, I receive electronic access to the Journal of the American College of Surgeons. I browse the Table of Contents but generally find that most of the articles are related to general surgery or subspecialties within that field (which used to be true for head and neck…
It is known that biomedical research studies include a disproportionate share of non-Hispanic White, middle-aged men. I am no expert, but it is obvious to me that research is most valuable when it reflects the diversity of our patient population and, indeed, our country. On this day that honors Jackie Robinson and his legacy in… Read more »Race/ethnicity and sex representation in sleep surgery research studies
Sleep and Inflammation
My entire career has focused on sleep disorders, especially obstructive sleep apnea and snoring, and I enjoy spreading science-based information about sleep to the public. I am fortunate to receive inquiries from members of the media and appreciate the opportunity to help in any way I can. Kathryn Drury Wagner contacted me for an article… Read more »
Advances in Sleep Apnea and Snoring 2022 Course Highlights
We have just completed the 27th Annual Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea and Snoring course in San Francisco, California. It has been wonderful to be a co-director for about 15 years, and I learn so much myself in every course. This year we did something different: a virtual format! We can thank… Read more »
Telemedicine, telehealth, and video consults in sleep apnea and snoring surgery
Because of my career-long focus and unique experience in the combination of sleep surgery and sleep medicine, patients from around the country or other countries often reach out for an evaluation or for surgery. Because of the logistical challenges and costs of in-person visits, I have offered video consults for many years. These remote evaluations… Read more »
USC Town & Gown Presentation–COVID19, Insomnia, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea
One of the wonderful things about moving home to Los Angeles and joining the team at the University of Southern California is my family’s connection to the University that dates back over 100 years. My mother is a USC graduate (undergraduate and graduate school), and she has been an active supporter of USC as an… Read more »
USC Otolaryngology Expert Series Video: Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Keck Medicine of USC has started a monthly Ask an Expert Webinar Series of presentations from our faculty about the evaluation and treatment of common problems of the head and neck. I was part of the first set of presentations when I spoke this past week on snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. For a basic… Read more »
Snoring is in the ear of the beholder – even if the beholder is a smartphone
Snoring treatment has been a major part of my clinical practice, as it can be an important social nuisance as well as a key reason people seek treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. Unfortunately, there has only been a limited amount of scientific research on snoring treatment. This has been due mainly to the difficulties of… Read more »
Will Medical Courses and Conferences All Become Virtual Meetings?
This month, the 2020 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery was entirely virtual, continuing the pattern followed by other medical conferences and courses. I have written previously about our expanded use of telemedicine and the development of new online educational programs, but this is an existing major medical… Read more »
Telemedicine in the world of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
In the context of the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the resulting coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), other health concerns such as obstructive sleep apnea and snoring need to take a backseat. We are all in uncertain times, relying on the experts and our own judgment to take appropriate precautions and preparations. I… Read more »