Nasal obstruction can interfere with nasal breathing during the day and night, and it can play a major role in snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Relief of nasal obstruction can improve snoring and obstructive sleep apnea by itself and can also improve the ability of some patients to tolerate positive airway pressure therapy for obstructive sleep apnea.
What treatments can improve nasal obstruction?
Treatment options include medications such as nasal saline, topical corticosteroid and antihistamine sprays, and oral medications such as antihistamines or decongestants. Non-surgical treatments can include external nasal dilators like the Breathe Right® strip for selected patients. If these are not successful by themselves, surgery can improve the nasal airway either alone or in combination with these other options. The most common nasal procedures include turbinate surgery, septoplasty, sinus surgery, and rhinoplasty and nasal valve surgery.
Frontal view of the face
Side view of the structures of the nose and mouth
Can nasal surgery, by itself, cure snoring or sleep apnea?
Treatment of nasal obstruction often forms part of an overall treatment plan for snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. However, in some cases nasal surgery may be treatment for snoring and sleep apnea by itself. Dr. Kezirian has written on his blog about whether nasal surgery for snoring works and whether nasal surgery can be a solution for sleep apnea.
To learn more about specific nasal procedures, please continue to:
The following video presents a discussion of nasal procedures: