“The Surgery” for Sleep Apnea

Posted by & filed under Palate Surgery, Sleep Apnea, Surgery, Tongue Surgery.

I often hear people refer to someone they know—or themselves—as having “the surgery for sleep apnea”, following it up with the assessment about whether “it worked” or not.  Whenever this occurs, I take a deep breath before starting in on the explanation below. My website hopefully makes it clear that there are many procedures available… Read more »

Behavioral Treatments for Snoring—Who, Why, How?

Posted by & filed under Sleep Apnea, Snoring.

When people hear that I specialize in the treatment of sleep disorders, especially snoring and obstructive sleep apnea, I become much more popular in conversations at social events outside of work.  Because sleep disorders are incredibly common, and because sleep is so important to our enjoyment of life and health, there is no shortage of… Read more »

Why a blog about surgery for snoring and sleep apnea?

Posted by & filed under Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Surgery.

There is an impressive—and disturbing—amount of misunderstanding and misinformation available on the Internet, medical journals, and elsewhere about the surgical treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea.  This is even more concerning because it comes from many who claim to be experts in the treatment of these disorders.  Surgery is a viable treatment option for… Read more »