Over the past 15-20 years of my own career, research and experience have dramatically improved results of sleep apnea surgery. For example, we have recently published an international research study showing that drug-induced sleep endoscopy can guide the selection of procedures and whether someone is a good or less-ideal candidate for surgery. In spite of… Read more »
Does expansion sphincter pharyngoplasty treat oropharyngeal lateral wall-related obstruction in OSA?
Recently, our international, multicenter study examining drug-induced sleep endoscopy and surgery outcomes in those with obstructive sleep apnea but without markedly enlarged tonsils was published in the medical journal Laryngoscope. I have written on this blog about the research findings and the implications for sleep surgery and the decisions that sleep apnea surgeons make for their… Read more »
BMI and neck circumference are more important risk factors in OSA for Caucasians than other racial and ethnic groups
I have written previously about international research efforts, whether one showing the benefits of drug-induced sleep endoscopy or investigating cardiovascular benefits of sleep apnea treatment with INCOSACT. Generally these collaborations bring together major centers from around the world to increase the numbers of study participants, but they can also examine research questions with a more-diverse… Read more »
Becoming a sleep apnea surgeon or snoring surgeon
I often get asked how I decided to focus my career in snoring and sleep apnea surgery and how a surgeon can learn more about this field. I was fortunate to attend medical school at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine at a time when it was one of the few medical schools that… Read more »
Advances in Sleep Apnea and Snoring Course 2019 Highlights
We have just completed the 25th Annual Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Apnea and Snoring course in Orlando, Florida. I wanted to share some interesting updates and new topics that I have not discussed previously, such as with my blog post about the 2018 course. I have truly enjoyed being a co-director of… Read more »
Drug-induced sleep endoscopy findings are associated with results of sleep apnea surgery
Before performing any surgery, it is important to collect information that can help in making decisions about what type of surgery to have and what the results of surgery might be. Sleep apnea surgery is no different. Drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) is an evaluation that can be performed in patients with obstructive sleep apnea who are considering… Read more »
Positional obstructive sleep apnea: why does it happen and what does it mean for surgery?
Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are commonly worse when someone is sleeping on the back compared to sleeping on their side or stomach. One clue may be the sharp elbows that are used to nudge someone to roll onto their side instead of sleeping on their back. In some cases, the differences that occur with… Read more »
Shared Decision Making in OSA and Our Advances in Sleep Apnea Course
Shared decision making was characterized in 2008 by Barratt as “an approach to medical decisions in which patients and clinicians work together to reach a mutually agreed upon decision that is consistent with the best available evidence, as well as patients’ preferences”. This concept was not new, as Sackett had defined evidence based medicine in… Read more »
AAO-HNS 2018 Annual Meeting Sleep Surgery Research
The 2018 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Otolaryngology – Head and Surgery (AAO-HNS) was held earlier this week in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a wonderful opportunity to share experiences with long-time colleagues and some that I had not met previously. In addition to my presentations related to drug-induced sleep endoscopy, Tongue Region Surgery,… Read more »
Inspire Upper Airway Stimulation Not Working for Your Sleep Apnea?
Inspire Medical’s Upper Airway Stimulation technology is a powerful (no pun intended) addition to the array of options for individuals suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. As a surgeon who implants this therapy, I see patients (whether my own or those coming for a second opinion) where Upper Airway Stimulation is not working well. While… Read more »